About Oshunology

Oshunology is a small business located in Indianapolis, Indiana dedicated to helping our community heal and restore their lives through natural remedies.
Megan is a jazz singer, actress, playwright, model and intimacy coach that enjoys cooking vegan meals and all things self care.
Mutulu enjoys studying neuroscience, psychology, religion/spirituality, and is a member of the Five Percent Nation of Gods and Earths. As a community advocate, Mutulu has earned certifications and diplomas for Criminal Psychology (confession and interrogation), Business Management, Mental Health Studies, Psychology, Treating PTSD, Fundamentals of Chemistry through Harvard University, SBA and Alison's online education.
In January of 2024, Oshunology officially opened its doors and mobile herbal pharmacy to treat anxiety, depression, ADHD, diabetes, and addiction with GREAT success.
Our mission is to provide men, women, and children with natural tools to live and to create herbal blends and products that testify to the amazing healing capabilities of phytopharmacology.